Dublin Zoo
Dublin Zoo was opened on 1st of Sep 1830. It was founded as a private society by physicists and anatomists and supported by prosperous subscribers.
In 1840, with selection 118 animals donated by London Zoo, the drastic decision was to have its gates open to the public for a penny every Sunday. This remarkable for that time gesture, started the warm relationship that still exists between Dubliners and the Zoo in Phoenix Park.
Now, transformed, Dublin Zoo has 28 hectares is attracting approximately 1 million visitors each year. It is officially Ireland’s biggest family attraction and it not only provides a great day out for everyone, but also a voyage of learning and discovery about the nature’s precious wildlife.
Animals at Dublin Zoo live rich lives in natural groups and they are well and healthy, able to reproduce and raise their own young. They can be watched in naturalistic spaces with plant life, substrate and water features that imitate their native environment.